Yemen Charity Water
Yemen Charity Water
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International and local aid
While advances in both economic and technological fields have pushed humanity forward in the past 100 years, there still have been no shortage of crisis’ both internationally and within local communities.
Due to external factors such as war, famine, and inflation plenty of our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity require a helping hand. Ranging from winter blankets, to even basic necessities such as bread and water.
Recipients of aid are victims of war in Yemen, as well as local communities in Malaysia including but not limited to single mothers, orphans, reverts, and the elderly.
No one deserves to live in inhumane conditions, a little empathy can go a long way. If we act now there is much that we can do to help ease their difficulties.

The best investment
“Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance, and to Him, you will be returned.”
Chapter of the Cow, Verse 245
We coordinate with local teams in Yemen to access, acquire, manage and update a large database of aid recipients in several governorates in Yemen.
Helping local communities, including but not limited to single mothers, orphans, reverts and the elderly.
We also partner up with other NGO's to help deliver aid where needed.
What Is Causing the World Hunger Crisis?
That’s why we fight for the hope and happiness of young people when it’s threatened by abuse, exploitation and neglect. We see the hope and courage in young people every day, and it inspires us to support them through their most serious life challenges.
Now we’re stepping up the fight for hope and happiness at a time when it’s under threat like never before. Our goal and vision are built around the hopes of young people, to achieve long-lasting change for this generation and the ones to come.