🌸🌸 BB ASNAF RAMADAN GIFT Assalaamualaikum wrbtBismillah ▪️As we strive to help the suffering Ummah far and wide, we do not forget those who are facing hardships in our own communities. ▪️ BB ASNAF program started in 2020. Unfortunately, many of the families’ income have worsened since then - now earning circa RM1000 per month and are not able to cope with the current trend of rising food prices. ▪️The asnafs in our database are verified asnafs from mosque and school asnaf committees, as well as IKRAM Hulu Selangor (Hidayah Centre) referrals. ❤️ Distribution started last week. There’s no deadline as we will continue distribution as long as there’s funds InshaAllah. 1️⃣ Cash-Aid : RM300-RM500 per family. We have hundreds of Asnaf families still waiting for aid. This will help them make ends meet.2️⃣ GroceryFoodpackRM250/family. ▪️As usual priority is given to widows, single mothers, orphans and the elderly. 🤲🏻May Allah accept all our Amal Ibadah, kind zakah and Infaq, We ask Allah Ar Rahman to shower all donors with His Mercy and the best of Ramadan’s blessings- forgiveness and Jannathul Firdous.Ameen.