🌸FEED YEMEN’S ORPHANS Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuhBismillah Alhamdulillah, we have delivered your infaq and zakat to the Asnafs in Yemen🔹Ramadan 2023 distribution for the orphaned families started a few days ago. Collection & distribution is ongoing InshaAllah. 🔹Our heartfelt appreciation and Allah’s blessings to kind donors who donated early, thus giving the orphans a chance to welcome Ramadan with joy. 🔹Poor people do not need our sympathy- they need our charity to alleviate their suffering. This year, our distribution will cover Sanaa, Raymah, Taiz, Hodeida, Hajjah, Marib and Shabwah. 2000 families are anxiously waiting for Iftar aid. Put Warm Meals On Their Tables ❤️ For Ramadan 2023, we hope to offer them a little extra joy InShaaAllah🤗: 1️⃣ One Month FoodPack 2️⃣ Delicious Cooked Chicken Meals - 1000 meals per night 3️⃣ *Sadaqah Water *Wakaf RM2000 - Cost to build one water tank) (200-300 families)RM150 per day DAILY refills(3000 litres)10 more water tanks needed. Hopefully built within Ramadan InshaAllah. 4️⃣ *Eid Clothing for Orphans *RM100 per childThe last time we clothe them was in 2021.Almost 200 orphans from the poorest families (many we rescued from living on the street of Yemen) ❤️ Food, water and new clothes. MashaaAllah we promise you the joy and smiles from these angels will surely reach the heavens and earn us Allah’s Pleasure and Forgiveness InShaaAllah. May Allah SWT establish every donor as someone who is blessed, with abundant rizq and accepted charitable good deeds. Ameen.اللهم بارك لنا فى رجب و شعبان وبلغنا رمضانأمين