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Donation Total: RM10.00

UPDATE: Yemen Ramadan Food Aid

UPDATE: Yemen Ramadan Foodaid Assalaamualaikum wrbtBismillahAlhamdulillah, our teams in Yemen are still working hard distributing aid during these blessed last few days and nights of Ramadan. The foodaid is not enough, and the hungry poor could not wait for us to distribute during the day. Many men and children waited at night begging us to open our storeroom. We couldn’t pack the usual foodpack and they were happy to leave with only RM10Kg of rice and a few kilos of sugar. Allahu Musta’an. Jazakumullahu khayra 💐May Allah SWT grant abundant blessed Rizq to you and your loved ones as you have protected these children and the poor in need from hunger. Ameen. 💰Collection for food aid is ongoing Insha'Allah. RM450 per pack. Any amount is welcome too Alhamdulillah

UPDATE: Yemen Ramadan Foodaid

Assalaamualaikum wrbt
Alhamdulillah, our teams in Yemen are still working hard distributing aid during these blessed last few days and nights of Ramadan.

The foodaid is not enough, and the hungry poor could not wait for us to distribute during the day. Many men and children waited at night begging us to open our storeroom. We couldn’t pack the usual foodpack and they were happy to leave with only RM10Kg of rice and a few kilos of sugar. Allahu Musta’an.

Jazakumullahu khayra 💐
May Allah SWT grant abundant blessed Rizq to you and your loved ones as you have protected these children and the poor in need from hunger. Ameen.

💰Collection for food aid is ongoing Insha’Allah. RM450 per pack. Any amount is welcome too Alhamdulillah

Hope Spring Foundation

Hope Spring Foundation

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