🌸URGENT APPEAL: YEMEN MEDICARE Assalaamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuhBismillah Last night we received a plea from Ahmed’s guardian in Yemen, asking for help to save Ahmed’s life. Ahmed is now in intensive care. He has fluid in his lungs, and is unable to urinate and defecate. For those new to this case - Ahmed lost his home and both his parents when Hodeida was bombed a few years ago. Although Ahmed survived the bombing, he was injured, especially around his abdomen, groin and testis area. The photos of his injuries are too disturbing for us to share. A number of surgeries were carried out to ensure Ahmed could live a normal life. All the surgeries were sponsored by kind donors here in Malaysia.Tonight, poor Ahmed needs help again, as he could suffer kidney failure if the surgery is not performed soon. We are still waiting for confirmation on the cost of hospitalising Ahmed, and provide him the surgery needed. Due to his past injuries and being diabetic, we anticipate Ahmed’s road to recovery will take quite some time. Ahmed lives with his relative. And has been receiving monthly food and education aid from us since 2020. The family he lives with is very poor but very kind. The whole family only lives in a small room in Sanaa, Yemen, as they could not afford a house.