❄️❄️❄️ WINTER APPEAL FOR YEMEN’S ORPHANS AND CHILDREN Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh Bismillah ❄️ This appeal is for Winter FoodAid in December22-January23, the coldest months in Yemen which can reach freezing temperatures. ❄️ Our distributions started in October22 - and as usual we prioritised the orphans and children. Sadly, our food, blanket and medicine supplies are running low and many children are still anxiously waiting for aid. ❄️ Your donations are a lifeline providing them with the vital relief they need to survive. ❄️ Alhamdulilah, we are grateful for your support, and know many of you have already donated, to us and others. However, many children and elderly are still suffering. Let’s not break their hearts. Help us keep more children warm and fed.😢 Jazakumullahu khairan. ❣️May Allah bless all donors with abundant ease for your mercy towards needy Muslims, and May He place you close to the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Jannathul Firdaus for giving ease to poor orphans. Ameen.