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💧💧💧YEMEN WATER & ICE PROGRAM 2024 UPDATE Zulhijjah 1445APPEAL Muharram 1446Sana’a, Hodeidah,Marib, Hajjah ▪️Alhamdulillah, today is the last Friday of Zulhijjah 1445. We appeal to kind donors to continue supporting our water programs and this collection will be disbursed in Muharram of the new year - another sacred month in Islam where good deeds are rewarded abundantly by Allah SWT. ▪️Best sadaqah is providing water. And the people in Yemen are in dire need of clean drinking water especially the children and elderly. Currently the temperature is still very high (48 degrees Celsius). ▪️Our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who provided relief and joy to the poor and thirsty in Zulhijjah. What an honor such deed was, and May Allah SWT expiate everyone’s sins and count every drop of water as sadaqah jariah. Ameen 💖APPEAL FOR WATER SADAQAH MUHARRAM 1446💰Target: RM45,000 to refill 25 water tanks thrice weekly for one month. Sponsor more and earn a lion share of Allah’s love towards those who provide water to thirsty muslims.


UPDATE Zulhijjah 1445
APPEAL Muharram 1446
Sana’a, Hodeidah,Marib, Hajjah

▪️Alhamdulillah, today is the last Friday of Zulhijjah 1445. We appeal to kind donors to continue supporting our water programs and this collection will be disbursed in Muharram of the new year – another sacred month in Islam where good deeds are rewarded abundantly by Allah SWT.

▪️Best sadaqah is providing water. And the people in Yemen are in dire need of clean drinking water especially the children and elderly. Currently the temperature is still very high (48 degrees Celsius).

▪️Our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who provided relief and joy to the poor and thirsty in Zulhijjah. What an honor such deed was, and May Allah SWT expiate everyone’s sins and count every drop of water as sadaqah jariah. Ameen

💰Target: RM45,000 to refill 25 water tanks thrice weekly for one month. Sponsor more and earn a lion share of Allah’s love towards those who provide water to thirsty muslims.

Hope Spring Foundation

Hope Spring Foundation

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