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Donation Total: RM10.00


💧💧💧YEMEN WINTER APPEAL 2024Charity Water for December 24Warm Clothing for Yemen OrphansSana’a, Hodeidah,Marib, Hajjah Assalaamualaikum wrbtBismillah, Jumuah Mubarakah. ▪️Dear hearts, we have a problem. We are empty. Winter arrived early this year in Yemen and we are facing big gaps in providing clean water for drinking and ablution, food to nourish hungry tummies, and warm clothing to shivering children whose meagre wardrobe have been destroyed during flooding and bombing. ▪️ We appeal to kind donors to continue supporting our winter programs and this collection will be disbursed in December - the coldest month. ▪️ Best sadaqah is providing water and poverty leads to Kufr. Yet the people of Yemen remain steadfast and constantly make duaa for their brethren near and far to come to their aid. ▪️Our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who have provided relief and joy to the hungry and thirsty in November. What an honor such deed was, and May Allah SWT expiate everyone’s sins and count every grain of rice and drop of water as sadaqah jariah. Ameen 💰Target: RM45,000 for one month humanitarian aid. Sponsor more and earn a lion share of Allah’s love towards those who do good deeds in cash and kind. Help us share this appeal with your friends and family. Jazakumullahu khairan. Donation Guide:1️⃣ One month food aid RM4502️⃣ One winter jacket RM70-RM1003️⃣ Water Refill RM150 per tank/day ( One tank benefits 200-300 families.) We have 25 tanks to refill.💕Any amount of Sadaqah and zakat is welcome and May Allah in return …

Charity Water for December 24
Warm Clothing for Yemen Orphans
Sana’a, Hodeidah,Marib, Hajjah

Assalaamualaikum wrbt
Bismillah, Jumuah Mubarakah.

▪️Dear hearts, we have a problem. We are empty. Winter arrived early this year in Yemen and we are facing big gaps in providing clean water for drinking and ablution, food to nourish hungry tummies, and warm clothing to shivering children whose meagre wardrobe have been destroyed during flooding and bombing.

▪️ We appeal to kind donors to continue supporting our winter programs and this collection will be disbursed in December – the coldest month.

▪️ Best sadaqah is providing water and poverty leads to Kufr. Yet the people of Yemen remain steadfast and constantly make duaa for their brethren near and far to come to their aid.

▪️Our heartfelt appreciation to everyone who have provided relief and joy to the hungry and thirsty in November. What an honor such deed was, and May Allah SWT expiate everyone’s sins and count every grain of rice and drop of water as sadaqah jariah. Ameen

💰Target: RM45,000 for one month humanitarian aid. Sponsor more and earn a lion share of Allah’s love towards those who do good deeds in cash and kind. Help us share this appeal with your friends and family. Jazakumullahu khairan.

Donation Guide:
1️⃣ One month food aid RM450
2️⃣ One winter jacket RM70-RM100
3️⃣ Water Refill RM150 per tank/day ( One tank benefits 200-300 families.) We have 25 tanks to refill.
💕Any amount of Sadaqah and zakat is welcome and May Allah in return grant everyone with His Mercy and the highest paradise. Ameen.

Hope Spring Foundation

Hope Spring Foundation

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